

Aug 03, 2023

Weld County oil spills for May 16

Information is based on Form 19, which operators must fill out detailing the leakage/spill events. Any spill release that may impact waters of the state must be reported as soon as practical. Spills and leaks typically are found during routine maintenance on existing wells, though some actual "spills" do occur among the 17,000-plus wells in the county.

» KP KAUFFMAN COMPANY INC reported May 10 a recent tank battery spill near Weld County Road 16 1/2 and County Line Road, about 5 miles north of Erie. Approximately 210 barrels of condensate spilled. A COGCC inspector notified the operator of a condensate tank release. A field crew responded and confirmed the release into secondary containment. The suspected cause of the release is due to integrity failure. Cleanup was limited to hand excavation due to an active Eagle nest nearby.

» NOBLE ENERGY INC reported May 10 a historical well spill near Weld 39 and 38, about 7 miles southeast of Gilcrest. An unknown amount of oil, condensate and produced water spilled. Lab analysis indicated a historical release at the decommissioned wellhead. One soil sample exceeded COGCC standards for 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene.

» KP KAUFFMAN COMPANY INC reported May 9 a recent well spill near Weld 16 1/2 and County Line Road, about 6 miles north of Erie. Less than one barrel of oil, condensate and produced water spilled. A COGCC inspector notified the operator of the wellhead leak. A field crew responded to take measures for repairs. The leak was fixed but reappeared. The wellhead needs to be replaced and the workover rig needs to accomplish. The site is near an active Bald Eagle nest.

» NOBLE ENERGY INC reported May 9 a historical flowline spill near Weld 74 and 53, about 1 mile east of Galeton. An unknown amount of oil, condensate and produced water spilled. Lab analysis indicated a historical release along the decommissioned flowline. One soil sample exceeded COGCC standards for acenaphthene, benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, dibenz(a,h)anthracene, fluoranthene, fluorene, pyrene, 1-methylnaphthalene and 2-methylnaphthalene.

» KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP reported May 5 a historical flowline spill near Weld 39 and 32, about 9 miles east of Platteville. An unknown amount of oil, condensate and produced water spilled. Historically impacted soil was found following cut and cap at the wellhead. Excavation and assessment are ongoing.

» KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP reported May 5 a recent well spill near Weld 39 and 32, about 9 miles east of Platteville. An unknown amount of oil, condensate and produced water spilled. A release at the wellhead occurred due to 30 gallons of fluid emerging from the subsurface during well-servicing. Cleanup and assessment are ongoing.

» NOBLE ENERGY INC reported May 5 a recent tank battery spill near Weld 64 and 61, about 12 miles northeast of Kersey. A seal failure on a pump skid caused 2 barrels of oil to release to the ground. The facility was shut-in, the release was not ongoing and dirt berms were built to contain fluid. Cleanup is ongoing.

» NOBLE ENERGY INC reported May 5 a historical tank battery spill near Weld 39 and 38, about 7 miles southeast of Gilcrest. An unknown amount of oil, condensate and produced water spilled. Lab analysis indicated a historical release at the decommissioned tank battery. One soil sample exceeded COGCC standards for 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, naphthalene and 1- methylnaphthalene.

» NOBLE ENERGY INC reported May 5 a historical flowline spill near Weld 48 and 43, about 3 miles southeast of LaSalle. An unknown amount of oil, condensate and produced water spilled. Lab analysis indicated a historical release along the decommissed flowline. Two groundwater samples exceeded COGCC standards for 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene and benzene.

» NOBLE ENERGY INC reported May 4 a historical well spill near Weld 40 and 39, about 4 miles southeast of Gilcrest. An unknown amount of oil, condensate and produced water spilled. Lab analysis indicated a historical release at the decommissioned wellhead. Three soil samples exceeded COGCC standards for 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, 1-methylnaphthalene and 2- methylnaphthalene.

» KP KAUFFMAN COMPANY INC reported May 4 a recent tank battery spill near Weld 12 and York Street in Dacono. Less than 5 barrels of oil and produced water spilled. Pumper pressured up a flowline from two nearby wells and oil daylighted at the ground surface. The release by the pumper was adjacent to a surface vale 100 feet north of the pumping unit. The release flowed on the ground surface along the lease road northward for a distance of 135 feet. The wells were shut-in. Impacted surface soil was excavated and transported for offsite disposal. Historical impacts were noted in the subsurface soil but no hydrocarbon staining, odor or field screening of volatile organic vapors were noted in the soil post-excavation. The root cause and leak point have yet to be identified.

» HIGHPOINT OPERATING CORPORATION reported May 4 a historical tank battery spill near Weld 126 and 83, about 4 miles northwest of Grover. An unknown amount of oil, condensate and produced water spilled. Historical impacts were found during a site walkthrough and inspection. The site is within Mule Deer Migration Corridor HPH. Impacted soil will be removed and hauled to a certified disposal facility.

» KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP reported May 2 a historical well spill near Weld 39 and 32, about 7 miles east of Platteville. An unknown amount of oil, condensate and produced water spilled. Historically impacted soil was found following cut and cap at the wellhead. Excavation and assessment is ongoing.

» CRESTONE PEAK RESOURCES OPERATING LLC reported May 2 a recent tank battery spill near Weld 31 and 16, about 3 miles northeast of Fort Lupton. An unknown amount of oil, condensate and produced water spilled. A compromised oil dump line on the separator released the spill onto the ground and subsurface. The line was immediately shut in and the spill was contained entirely on the pad. The line was exposed and is scheduled for repair. Impacted soil was removed and hauled to an approved COGCC disposal facility.

» KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP reported May 2 a historical tank battery spill near Weld 39 and 28, about 8 miles southeast of Platteville. An unknown amount of oil, condensate and produced water spilled. Historical soil impacts were found below a former above-ground storage tank following tank battery decommissioning. Excavation and assessment are ongoing.

» NOBLE ENERGY INC reported April 28 a historical well spill near Weld 68 and 66 1/2, about 8 miles northeast of Gill. An unknown amount of oil, condensate and produced water spilled. Lab analysis indicated a historical release at the decommissioned wellhead. One soil sample exceeded COGCC standards for 1,2,4-triemthylbenzene, 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene, naphthalene, 1-methylnaphthalene and 2-methylnaphthalene.

» CRESTONE PEAK RESOURCES OPERATING LLC reported April 26 a historical tank battery spill near Weld 31 and 26, about 5 miles southeast of Platteville. An unknown amount of oil, condensate and produced water spilled. Historical impacts were found at the condensate tank during site assessment of a non-reportable release. The impacted soil will be removed and hauled to an approved COGCC disposal facility. Confirmation soil samples will be collected and submitted for laboratory analysis.

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