

May 09, 2023

Weld County oil spills for June 6

Information is based on Form 19, which operators must fill out detailing the leakage/spill events. Any spill release that may impact waters of the state must be reported as soon as practical. Spills and leaks typically are found during routine maintenance on existing wells, though some actual "spills" do occur among the 17,000-plus wells in the county.

» CRESTONE PEAK RESOURCES OPERATING LLC reported May 31 a historical pit spill near Weld County Road 25 and 18, about 2 miles northwest of Fort Lupton. An unknown amount of condensate spilled. Historical impacts were found during the site investigation of the pit.

» CRESTONE PEAK RESOURCES OPERATING LLC reported May 31 a historical well spill near Weld 45 and 40, about 9 miles east of Gilcrest. An unknown amount of oil, condensate and produced water spilled. Historical impacts above protection of groundwater soil screening standards were found at the wellhead during decommissioning, including napthalene, 1- methylnapthalene and 2-methylnapthalene. A high potential of hydrogen was also found. Impacted soil will be removed. Confirmation soil samples will be collected. The location is within aquatic native species conservation waters.

» NOBLE ENERGY INC reported May 26 a historical flowline spill near Weld 42 and 29, about 2 miles northwest of Gilcrest. An unknown amount of oil, condensate and produced water spilled. Lab analysis indicated a historical release along the decommissioned flowline. One soil sample exceeded COGCC standards for naphthalene, benzo(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene, benzo(b)fluoranthene, 1-methylnaphthalene and 2-methylnaphthalene.

» CRESTONE PEAK RESOURCES OPERATING LLC reported May 26 a historical flowline spill near Weld 41 1/2 and 38, about 12 miles northeast of Platteville. An unknown amount of oil, condensate and produced water spilled. Historical benzene impacts above protection of groundwater soil screening standards were during decommissioning at the off-location flowline corridor. Impacted soil will be removed and confirmation soil samples will be collected.

» KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP reported May 25 a recent well spill near Weld 12 and York Street in Dacono. An unknown amount of stray soil gas spilled. Sixteen shallow soil vapor points were installed in the area of the five wells during routine testing. Samples were collected from the vapor points. Three of the samples were submitted for gas composition analysis. Sample results indicated the presence of thermogenic gas.

» NOBLE ENERGY INC reported May 25 a historical tank battery spill near Weld 49 and 40, about 11 miles southeast of LaSalle. An unknown amount of oil, condensate and produced water spilled. Lab analysis indicated a historical release at the decommissioned tank battery. Three soil samples exceeded COGCC standards for benzene, xylenes, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, 1,3,5- trimethylbenzene, naphthalene, total petroleum hydrocarbons, 1-methylnaphthalene and 2- methylnaphthalene.

» CRESTONE PEAK RESOURCES OPERATING LLC reported May 25 a historical tank battery spill near Weld 5 and Gooding Hollow Parkway, about 6 miles west of Firestone. An unknown amount of produced water spilled. Automation trends indicated a loss of fluid from the produced water vault. Impacted soil was removed and hauled to a certified disposal facility. Confirmation soil samples will be collected and submitted for lab analysis.

» KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP reported May 23 a historical flowline spill near Weld 39 and 32, about 7 miles east of Platteville. An unknown amount of oil, condensate and produced water spilled. Historically impacted soils were found during the removal of the flowline at the wellhead. Excavation and assessment are ongoing.

» KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP reported May 19 a historical tank battery spill near Weld 39 and 28, about 8 miles southeast of Platteville. An unknown amount of oil, condensate and produced water spilled. Historically impacted soil was found below the former separator during decommissioning. Excavation and assessment are ongoing.

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